Facelift Antalya-Facial lift Cost Turkey-Non Surgical Face Lift

Face lift Antalya-Facial lift costs

A face lift is performed to correct the anatomical changes that occur with age and cause the face and neck to appear older. The skin and subcutaneous tissues are brought to their youthful positions with this facial treatment. What is a facial lift? Is face lift permanent? You can find answers to such questions and more about this face sculpting procedure in our article.

CONTENTS (Facial lift)

What is a face lift?

Why is a facial lift done?

What should be done before face lift surgery?

How is face lift surgery performed?

What are face lift techniques?

  • Classic face lift
  • What is a mini face lift
  • Thread face lift (Rope hanger)
  • Endoscopic face lift

What should be done after face lift surgery?

Non Surgical Face Lift

What are the complications after facial lift surgery?


How much is face lift surgery?

Is facial lift surgery painful?

Is face lift permanent?

What is face lift tape?

Is a non surgical face lift possible?

Will there be any scars in facial lift surgery?

What is a face lift? (Facial lift)

Face lift is a one of facial treatments performed for both aesthetic concerns and a medical necessity. It is an aesthetic operation applied to make facial lines look younger against sagging and wrinkles caused by genetics and aging. Although it is especially preferred by women, face lift is an application that men also have to recover the skin loosening and sagging that occur on their faces after a certain age. Anyone who has suitable conditions and whose face structure requires facial lift can have this operation. During facial lift surgery, forehead lift, eyebrow lift, eyelid aesthetics, neck lift, liposuction, temporal lift and fat injection can be applied together.What causes facial sagging?There are some changes in the percentage due to aging. Usually, the first signs of aging are also seen on the face. Apart from aging, sunlight and gravity also cause some changes in the face. As muscle tone (tension due to muscle movements) decreases due to aging, sagging and skin dryness are observed especially in the chin and neck region, and the fat tissue under the skin decreases. As the skin becomes abundant and its elasticity decreases, lines, wrinkles and sagging occur in the skin. The more exposure to sunlight, the faster these symptoms occur.

Why is a facial lift done in Turkey Antalya?

There are situations and people where it is appropriate to have a facial lift. Below are listed the situations in which facial lift surgery can be performed in Turkey Antalya.

  • Inadequacy of non-surgical procedures such as Botox and fillers
  • Deep lines on forehead and lower eyelid
  • Drop in eyebrow level
  • Facial sagging at an early age due to genetic structure
  • Eyelid drooping
  • Sagging in the mid face (over the cheekbones and sides of the nose)
  • Tickle (neckless) and fat collection in the lower part of the chin
  • Double chin appearance deformity in the neck
  • Pitches under the eyes
  • Reduction of fuller appearance in cheekbones and formation of sagging
  • Depressions and deep wrinkles
  • Deep grooves that form on the side of the mouth corners like two braces at the time of smiling
  • Excess skin in front of the ear,
  • Sagging of the jaw edges
  • Fat accumulation around the jowl and neck

In addition to the above situations, people who are considering facial lift surgery,

  • Health status must be suitable for surgery in Turkey Antalya
  • Not a serious smoker.
  • Must not have a mental disorder

What should be done before face lift surgery in Turkey Antalya?

Face Lift in Turkey
  • There is an experienced doctor in Turkey Antalya.
  • Finding an experienced surgeon is very important. Otherwise, the possibility of different types of complications may increase.

  • Some medications are stopped for face lift in Turkey Antalya.
  • Medications such as aspirin, coumadin, blood thinners, ibuprofen, various pain relievers and vitamin E should not be used for a while before the operation. Taking a break from vitamin supplements and herbal mixtures as they may have blood-thinning properties

  • Food consumption is stopped.
  • Food consumption should be stopped approximately 8 hours before the operation. If the stomach of the patient under general anesthesia is full, the food content may go up and block the trachea.

  • Stop smoking and alcohol use.
  • Smoking and alcohol have serious negative side effects. Nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels, reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood, hindering wound healing, weakening the immune system and causing infection. Due to the listed side effects, if possible, their use should be terminated 10-15 days before the face lift operation in Turkey Antalya.

  • Pregnancy status should be shared for face lift
  • If there is a pregnancy or the possibility of being pregnant, it should be shared with the physician.

  • Some issues are taken into consideration on the day of surgery.
  • There are some things that the patient should pay attention to on the day of surgery. After 24:00 the night before the surgery, nothing should be eaten or drunk, including water. Medicines such as blood pressure and diabetes medicine that are used routinely can be taken early in the morning with a sip of water. It is okay to take a shower on the morning of the surgery. However, make-up, hairspray, gel or nail polish should not be used. If the clothes are easy to wear and comfortable, they provide comfort. The clothes to be worn in the operating room are usually provided by the hospital. Special items such as rings, necklaces, earrings should not be used and valuable items should not be brought to the operating room. Those who wear contact lenses and dental prostheses should remove them before face lift surgery.

How is face lift surgery performed in Turkey Antalya?

Skin type, ethnicity, degree of skin tension, tissue healing speed of the person and facial bone structure are the factors affecting the surgery. These are examined during the inspection. The type of surgery is determined according to the anatomical structure of the patient's face, neck and personal expectations.

  • Anesthesia

Facial lift surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. However, in some cases, the girth, also called drowsiness, can be performed with sedation anesthesia, where anesthetic and sedative drugs are used together.

  • Analysis and shootings are done

Before the surgery, blood tests can be done, x-rays and EKGs can be taken. The results of these examinations are evaluated by the anesthesiologist and the physician, and it is determined whether there is an obstacle to general anesthesia.

  • Photo shoot

Before the operation in Turkey Antalya, photographs are taken of the face from different sides. This photo will be used both as a guide for the surgery and to compare the face shape after the operation.

  • Cuts

Different incisions are made according to the type of operation. These incisions, which are up to the discretion of the physician, may be different in men and women. The skin incision is usually passed through the natural lines around the ear and extended backwards to hide in the scalp around the ear. If the excess fat tissues shaped in the neck are to be removed, a 5-10 mm long incision is made under the chin for the entrance of the cannula during the liposuction procedure.

  •  One of the techniques below is applied.

What are face lift techniques in Turkey Antalya?

  1. Classic face lift in Turkey Antalya
  2. During the operation, the skin and subcutaneous tissues covering the facial skeleton are treated. With the liposuction procedure performed, the fat tissue in the neck is also removed by suction. After the incision made on the skin, it is advanced to the subcutaneous tissue. The skin and subcutaneous tissues are separated from the layer on which they adhere. The removed subcutaneous tissues are brought to the positions they were in at a young age. After the tissues are restored, the facial skin is placed on the tissues, the hairline is aligned, and the excess skin is removed. The cut areas are closed with surgical sutures or wire applications. A vacuum drain is placed to prevent blood accumulation in the operation area. At the end of the operation, a face wrap that does not create much pressure is applied. This wrap is usually replaced with an elastic bandage the day after the operation. The patient is discharged on the day of surgery or the day after surgery. Depending on the type of operation, the width of the surgical site, and whether extra applications are made during the operation, the operation time may vary between 2 and 6 hours.

  3. Mini facial lift in Turkey Antalya
  4. In mini facial lift, the incisions in the skin are smaller than those made in the classical facial lift. Due to its small size, there is less scarring and faster wound healing. In this technique, tightening and stretching is applied to the cheeks and chin area. The results of the surgery are not as obvious as in the classical method. The mini facial lift technique is suitable for skin with less signs of aging or less sagging skin. Incisions are made along the ear in the natural folds of the skin and run from just below the temples to the hairline. The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. In some cases, it can only be done under local anesthesia.

  5. Thread face lift (Rope hanger) in Turkey Antalya
  6. Thread facial lift is the process of stretching the sagging of the face without surgery in cases where it is not too much. The rope used is hung in the sagging area in such a way that it is not visible from under the skin. With this process, the facial image becomes younger, clearer, and a brighter and tighter appearance is obtained. While the permanence is 1.5-2 years when threads with melting properties are used, this period varies between 5-7 years with permanent threads that are not absorbed by the body. Due to the attachment points on the ropes, there is almost no risk of breaking. This procedure is suitable for patients with advanced skin sagging. The classical method is preferred in cases where there are excessive sagging and well-settled deep lines.A few weeks after the thread facial lift, collagen bundles form around the thread. Threads placed under the skin increase circulation, collagen production and moisture in the skin. Due to the increase in the amount of collagen, a type of protein, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin tightens and sagging skin is collected. This method is mostly preferred between the ages of 40 and 50. As the age increases, the skin around the chin will sag more, so it is not preferred for patients over 50 years of age.

  7. Endoscopic face lift in Turkey Antalya
  8. Endoscopic facial lift is the process of lifting the upper and middle face with the help of very small incisions made from the scalp area and using an endoscope (a long surgical device with a camera). In some cases, an additional incision can be made through the mouth. During the operations, the entire region can be seen with the camera. The endoscopic method is performed in cases where wrinkles are not very prominent. In this method, the forehead, around the eyes and cheekbones are peeled from under the bone membrane and lifted upwards, and the bones are detected again with various methods. The advantages of this technique are the uncertainty of the incision marks from the outside and the long-term results. It is not effective on the neck and lower face area. In such cases, this technique can be used in conjunction with neck and lower face lift procedures. Endoscopic facial surgeries are performed in the operating room under general anesthesia and take 1-2 hours. Complications such as bleeding, infection and pain after surgery are observed at a very low level.

  9. Satin face lift in Antalya, Turkey
  10. Satin facial lift is a non-surgical technique that uses radiofrequency energy to increase collagen production and skin thickness in tissues in Antalya, Turkey. With this energy, which is distributed to all layers of the skin at the same time, collagen and connective tissue production increases. The increase in connective tissue mediates the improvement of wrinkles on the skin. No pain is felt during the procedure. During the procedure With this application, facial and body fats and sagging of the skin are effectively reduced and satisfactory results are obtained in a short time. However, in this process, sagging should not be too much. It is safe for patients of all ages who want to remove signs of aging on the face without surgery. Especially under and around the eyes, around the mouth, lips, chin, jaw line, neck décolleté. Most patients receive 2 to 4 sessions of treatment scheduled 14-28 days apart. Sessions usually last 15-60 minutes depending on the applied area.

  11. Deep Plan Facial lift in Antalya, Turkey
  12. It is preferred for sagging and wrinkles in the middle area of the face, cheek and lower eyelid. Recovery is longer and complications are more common.

  13. Composite face lift in Antalya, Turkey
  14. It is the process of stretching the skin, subcutaneous muscle and adipose tissues as a whole as a single structure. The sagging of the fat pad on the cheekbone and the deepened grooves on the side of the nose, which cannot be corrected with the standard method, can be corrected with this technique. Recovery time is relatively longer.

  15. SMAS face lift (Superficial musculoaponeurotic system) in Antalya, Turkey
  16. Subperiosteal face lift in Antalya, Turkey

    By correcting the positions of the deep tissues on the facial bones, the relationship between bone and soft tissue is restored. It is a facial lift technique in which facial tissues are separated from the bone tissue together with the membrane called periosteum on the bone tissue. It is thought by some surgeons that it gives more successful and permanent results in the long term and that the risk of complications is less. The midface area is targeted.

    MACS face lift (Minimal Access cranial suspension) in Antalya, Turkey

    Compared to the classical technique, shorter incisions are made to reach the subcutaneous tissues, and the subcutaneous tissues are brought to their youthful position by stretching the face with the straps.


    An incision is made in the front of the ear, like the letter S. After the skin and subcutaneous tissue are separated, the SMAS tissue (the name given to the layer that covers the muscles under the skin) is suspended. It is mostly preferred for stretching in the lower face area.


    Full face lift

    It is an application to stretch the entire face area and neck and rejuvenate these areas.

    Lower face lift

    With an incision made in the classical stretching technique, looseness and sagging in the neck and chin area are corrected. In other words, the stretching process is done in the lower part of the face (Lower 1/3 part).

    Mid face liftIt is the stretching procedures in the under-eye and cheek areas. It aims to replace the sagging adipose tissue and other tissues in this area to its youthful areas.

It is the process of tightening a tissue composed of membrane and muscle that surrounds the deep structures of the face under the skin. It is a technique preferred in patients with very deep lines extending from the edge of the nose to the corner of the lips.

What should be done after face lift surgery?

There were thoughts that after the facial lift procedure, the face would become quite swollen and bruised, and that it was necessary to wait a long time to go out into society. However, there is no need to have these concerns anymore due to the use of new technologies in the field of plastic surgery and the use of endoscopic surgical procedures. Because the damage to the tissues during the surgery is minimized and therefore the recovery time of the patients is shortened.If the doctor's recommendations are followed after the facial lift surgery, the healing process is comfortable.

  • Hospital stay

The length of stay in the hospital after surgery is at the discretion of the physician and is usually 1 or 2 days. After this period is completed, the patient who is discharged can participate in daily life.

  • Post-operative fatigue is temporary.

Due to the effects of the drugs given to the patient after the facial lift procedure, there may be a temporary weakness after the operation.

  • Eating and drinking should be stopped

Nothing should be eaten or drunk until the effect of the anesthetic wears off (approximately 2 hours). After the operation, light movements and walking can accelerate the healing process.

  • Mild pains are relieved with painkillers

There may be mild severe pain after the operation. Painkillers given by the physician are sufficient to relieve the pain (usually analgesics containing paracetamol, acetaminophen or dipyrone are preferred).

  • Swelling and bruising are temporary

There may be edema or bruising after surgery. This is normal and there is no need to worry. With the effect of cold application, the pain will also decrease.Cold application is made on the cheeks every 1-2 hours and for 10-15 minutes each time. As a result of cold application, swelling, redness and bruises will pass more quickly. 2 days of cold application is sufficient. Swelling and bruises begin to decrease in 7-10 days and completely disappear within 3 weeks.

  • Check-up should be done in Turkey Antalya

Control examination should be done on the day determined by the physician. Bandage removal and suture removal are performed during examinations.

  • Smoking should be stopped
  • Smoking causes constriction of blood vessels, reducing the amount of oxygen dispersed throughout the body. Recovery of benefit is delayed due to reduced oxygen. Due to the weakening effect of smoking and alcohol on the immune system, the formation of infections is also easier. For this reason, even if the consumption cannot be completely stopped, it should be interrupted for at least 15 days.

  • Head should be kept above heart level
  • Care should be taken that the head is above the level of the heart during hospitalization and pillows should be placed under the head. Lie down should be on your back if possible. This lying position will also reduce edema, bleeding and pain formation.

  • Heavy work and sports should be avoided for a while
  • You should rest enough in the days after the operation. Due to heavy work and sports, the face area may not be adequately protected and may be damaged. Moreover, sudden movements should be avoided in order not to damage the seams.

  • Face should be protected from heat
  • There may be an increase in temperature in the face area due to environments such as spa, bath, sauna. This may delay the swelling down and increase the pain, especially in the days immediately after the operation.

  • The bandage is removed on the 7th day at the latest.
  • The bandage worn after the operation is removed after 6-7 days at the latest, depending on the type of operation. The attached bandages have an effect that prevents the skin from settling and prevents the formation of edema.

  • Shower should be interrupted
  • The day recommended by the physician should be taken as a basis for the shower. It may be possible to take a shower with warm water after 2 days, provided that the area is not wet.

  • Drains are removed after 24 hours
  • The drains placed in order to remove the accumulated fluids in the area after the surgery are removed after approximately 24 hours.

  • Protection from the sun
  • It should be protected from the sun as much as possible. If it is necessary to go out in the sun, high-impact protectors should be used.

  • Stitches are removed
  • Your doctor will inform you on the day the stitches will be removed. The stitches are removed after approximately 7 days, depending on the type of operation.

  • It is beneficial to take 7-10 days off.
  • Although it is possible to stand up immediately after the operation and start normal work within 1-2 days, it is useful to rest. It would be appropriate to return to routine life after a week or 10-day leave. It may take 1-2 months for the face to fully heal and reach the desired state.

  • Pomade can be used
  • Antibiotic and/or emollient pomades recommended by your doctor can be applied on the suture lines 2 times a day.

  • Patience for make-up
  • After removing the face wrap, the skin can be gently cleaned with soapy water or vaseline skin care lotions, if the doctor's approval has been obtained. However, one must be very sensitive during cleaning. Make-up should not be worn for at least two weeks.

  • Facial expressions should be reduced
  • It is necessary to avoid facial expressions that will stretch the seam line, such as laughing excessively for a few days, or excessive talking for 2 weeks.

  • Foods that need to be chewed a lot should be interrupted.
  • Foods that are difficult to chew or that require a long time to chew should not be consumed for a while. It will be beneficial to reduce the amount of salt in the diet for 3 weeks.

  • Clothes should be specially chosen
  • Instead of the dresses that are worn through the head, those that are buttoned in the front should be preferred. Particular attention should be paid to this dressing style for 7 days.

Non Surgical Face Lift in Turkey Antalya

A non-surgical facelift is a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the face without the need for surgery. There are various types of non-surgical facelifts, including:

  • Botox in Turkey Antalya: This is a treatment that involves injecting small amounts of a purified protein into the skin to relax the muscles that cause wrinkles.Click to get detailed information about botox in Turkey.

  • Dermal fillers: These are injectable substances that are used to fill in wrinkles, add volume to the skin, and enhance facial features.Click to get detailed information about filling treatments in Turkey.

  • Microdermabrasion: This is a procedure that uses fine crystals to remove the top layer of dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production.

  • Laser skin resurfacing: This is a procedure that uses laser energy to remove the outer layers of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen, resulting in smoother and firmer skin.

  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy in Turkey Antalya: This is a treatment that involves injecting a person's own plasma, which is rich in platelets and growth factors, into the skin to stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of the skin.

    It's important to note that non-surgical facelifts are not a substitute for surgical facelifts and may not produce the same results as surgery. It's also important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before undergoing any non-surgical facelift procedure.Click to get detailed information about PRP treatments in Turkey.

What are the complications after facial lift surgery in Antalya, Turkey?

Facial lift is an operation in Antalya, Turkey. Like other operations, some risks may occur after this operation. There are situations that are not expected in a normal surgery and recovery process, that cannot be foreseen before the surgery, but are likely to be encountered. Most of these negativities can be eliminated with appropriate intervention.

  • Bleeding
  • As at the end of any surgical intervention, there is a rare possibility of bleeding after a facial lift operation. In general, it is not a dangerous situation and bleeding can be stopped with minor procedures. It should be noted that some drugs can increase bleeding (such as blood thinners or aspirin). The patient's vascular structure and blood clotting problems can also cause bleeding. It should be kept in mind that bleeding can be seen especially in hypertension patients, those who use blood thinners, those who use cigarettes and alcohol, and those who do not pay attention to general care after surgery.

  • Edema (bloating)
  • Edema is usually seen after the operation. It can last for about 2-3 weeks. Facial swelling and edema, which is an expected situation after facial lift surgery, usually lasts for 2-3 weeks. Long-lasting edema may be caused by allergic, hormonal or circulatory disorders.

  • Blood accumulation in the surgical site (hematoma)
  • Although rare, there may be blood collection under the skin in the suture areas. This usually happens because the small blood vessels continue to bleed after the operation. Hematomas remain small in size. Compressed dressings can be applied or they can be emptied with a needle under sterile conditions.

  • Irregularity under the chin
  • In people who have had fat tissue removed from under their chin, a slight irregularity may remain in the line of the chin as a result of the skin sitting on the deep tissues below.

  • Skin folds
  • The excess skin that emerges after facial lift surgery may cause slight swelling in the folded areas. These bumps usually disappear over time. In cases where the swelling does not go away, correction can be made with simple operations.

  • Percent asymmetries
  • After facial lift surgery, small or large-scale asymmetries may occur, albeit rarely. In fact, no half of his face is exactly like the other half. It may be that the asymmetries, which are usually in question before the surgery, become more pronounced after the surgery. As mentioned earlier, asymmetrical results are extremely rare.

  • The appearance of the earlobe may be distorted
  • In some people with severe earlobe drooping or elongated earlobes, the earlobe may appear to be stuck after surgery. This rare event can also be easily corrected with a small operation.

  • Second surgery may be required (Revision)
  • A second plastic surgery may be needed due to irregularity, depression or asymmetry. If a complication or a situation that needs to be corrected occurs after the surgery, it is usually necessary to wait 6-12 months for corrective actions.

  • Infection
  • Infection may develop after the operation. In cases where the integrity of the skin is disrupted, there is a risk of infection. The risk of infection is very low in facial lift surgery performed by an experienced physician. It can be said that the infection level is at the level of 1% with the use of antibiotics after the sterile surgery. Infection usually occurs in the scalp areas around the wound. The developing infection can often be controlled with appropriate treatment.

  • Nerve Damage
  • It has been reported that less than 1% of facial nerves are damaged during facial lift surgery. Depending on the area where the nerve is affected, there is a decrease in the activities of the muscles. Weakness in facial muscles is usually temporary and should improve within a few months. However, nerve damage can also be permanent.

  • Scar
  • More or less facial scars may remain after all surgical procedures. With the selection of the incision sites in the appropriate places, the selection of the appropriate suture material and technique, less scarring is ensured. Nutrition, smoking, care are effective on facial scar formation.

Frequently asked questions about face lift in Turkey Antalya

The choice of an experienced physician is more important than the price of facial lift surgery in Turkey Antalya. It is necessary to consider details such as surgical experience, quality service understanding, advanced surgical methods and a fully equipped hospital environment rather than choices such as low price or "nearby clinic". Although the price is also a determining factor, the risk posed by an inexperienced surgeon, which may cause complications, and the amount to be spent for the correction of these damages may be higher. The most accurate thing to do is to be examined after choosing the doctor. During the examination, the patient's facial structure is examined, the lines he wants to have are determined and the most suitable technique is selected. After this inspection, it would be more accurate to determine the price. The cost of facial lift surgery may vary depending on the technique to be applied, whether an extra treatment will be applied before or together with the facial lift, the surgeon's knowledge and experience, and the place of application in Turkey Antalya. Due to the regulations in Turkey, prices are not given on the internet. However, the prices of the operation to be performed are incomparably lower than the prices of the facial lift operation performed abroad. The average facial lift surgery price in the United States is $12,375 ($2,800 - $22,000). If eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), forehead lift, chin implant, rhinoplasty or other procedures are to be performed, the cost of the combined procedure will be higher. In addition, since this application is an optional aesthetic operation, it is not covered by insurance. If you want to look younger and get rid of sagging on your face, you can contact us to be examined and to learn the price of your facial lift surgery.

Since the facial lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and the area is anesthetized, the patient does not feel pain during the procedure in Turkey Antalya. After the operation, there may be mild pain for 2-3 days as the effect of the narcotic substance will pass. These are at a level that can be relieved with painkillers recommended by the physician. Cold applications (ice or ice pack can be applied for 10 minutes every 1 hour) should be done, since swelling after facial lift surgery may also cause pain by pressing on the nerves. With this application, the swelling will go down as well as the bruising.

As a result of facial lift surgery performed properly, there may be a permanence of 5-10 years. The permanence of the results of this surgery, which is performed by experienced surgeons, is longer than the facial lift band and other methods. Personal care and attention after the surgery affect the permanence of the results. Excessive use of cigarettes and alcohol, an intensely stressful life, unbalanced sleep or insomnia, avoidance of sports and exercise, unbalanced and unhealthy eating habits, and not taking precautions against sun rays can shorten the duration of permanence. The thinking that I don't need to do anything anymore once I have the surgery is quite wrong. Personal care should be done, and it is possible to preserve the pleasing appearance for a longer period of time with the reinforcement of applications such as filling and botox under the control of physicians in Turkey Antalya. Non-surgical methods are also chosen for facial lift. However, it should be kept in mind that most of them have effects ranging from 6 months to 1 year and that the facial appearance becomes old for a certain period of time.

Surgery is not the only way to perform a facial lift. Facial lift tapes are also used for this purpose. Facial lift tapes are purchased from different platforms and are used by people who are dissatisfied with their current face image. However, it should not be forgotten that the tension tapes available in the market will be a temporary solution and the standards of the products may be low.

Non surgical face lift can be performed with facial lift bands as well as with methods without surgical intervention. There are applications such as face lift with lock strap, face lift with thread, facial lift with focus ultrasound, facial lift with thermage, gold needle application, liquid face lift, endopeel, spider web. In addition, there are facial lift procedures that do not require surgery such as botox, filler laser, cellular therapy for wrinkles and wrinkles. However, these applications should be carried out by competent people in conditions that provide hygienic conditions. Otherwise, problems such as infections, allergies and facial deformities may occur. Even irreversible situations may arise. There is a lot of news in the public about this. Permanent results should not be expected from non surgical face lift procedures including Botox, laser and cellular therapy. After these applications for facial lift, the face image can usually be restored after 6 months or 1 year. In this case, if the surgical facial lift cannot be performed, these applications should be repeated.

In the classical facial lift, the incisions are placed in front of and behind the ear at the natural line points. Since the incision is made in areas such as the front and back of the ear and the scalp, a very slight facial scar may occur. This facial scar takes the color of the skin after 7 days and becomes vague over time. During endoscopic facial lift, small incisions of 1-2 millimeters are inside the hair, so scars are not seen. However, the care after the surgery is important. Especially if the habit of substances such as cigarettes and alcohol continues, both the healing process will slow down and the scars may become more obvious.

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